Saturday, February 12, 2011

It’s the Journey, Often Involving Trudging, Step By Step

If a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, then what does that say about each step?
Some steps in the recovery journey are steps of progress. And then there are the other steps, aren’t there? Sometimes, in recovery, the step we’re taking feels like a failure step, a relapse step.
We may even feel like the best we can hope for is to trudge and sink our footsteps into barren cold snow, never seeing, let alone see ourselves stepping into the spring of a new beginning.
So, how are we to regard those kinds of steps? As hopeless? As final? As paralysis? No. they are just as much a part of progress as any victory, “good day,” or “good step.”
John Maxwell, a wonderful motivational speaker, wrote a book on a wonderful concept to consider, especially in moments of failure and relapse: “Failing Forward.”
Think about that.
In life, unfortunately, we will fail sometimes. Recovery is not immune from failure. But there is hope and promise to the failure; with each failure; whether you feel it or not, you and I are moving forward, making progress. One of my scriptures, encouraging me through many dark, trying steps, has been that of 2 Corinthians 3:18:
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
Recovery means going from step to step, glory to glory, failure to failure, even, sometimes. But please know that God’s in control of our every step, regardless of our feelings about where we’re going. We are moving forward; God is too wonderful to allow us to be left.
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
We’re in the winter right now; but spring is coming. What kind of step are you taking today? Whatever step it may be, please realize that it is one lovingly guided by God. Having a great step today? Wonderful! Thank God for it! Having a struggling step or a “failure” step today? Please recognize that God’s allowing it to move you to another place of victory, recovery, success and help. You will get there; you ARE getting there. Remember your journey, not just today’s step. There’s more to your life, more to God in your life than you realize!
Have a wonderful, love and grace-filled journey, step by step!

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