Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Sweet Stuff

Years ago, singer Billy Idol put out a great record, “Charmed Life.” And on that album was the single, “Trouble With the Sweet Stuff,” a song about his struggles with substance abuse.

Sweet Stuff. Trouble. Anyone out there getting the connection?

Valentine’s Day is a tricky enough holiday for those of us in eating disorder recovery, like myself. Let’s face it, chocolate, hard candy, marshmallows- they’re all in heart shape form, tempting us in our food and eating issues- and they are EVERYWHERE!!!! 

But Valentine’s Day also can be a trigger for other forms of “sweet stuff” as well. Things like drugs, alcohol, shopping, sex and relationships can all be too appetizing to our unmet need issues. The vehicle can be as varied and unique as the individual affected by it. It’s not the thing that’s the issue, it’s the power and the promise we have attached to our chosen sweet stuff. 

Whatever your weakness is, admit it, you’re being tempted by it, aren’t you?

And with that promised “sweet thing” comes the lure-okay, the lie- that with its presence in our lives, things will be perfect and satisfied. You may not be drooling over heart shaped chocolate candy, but Valentine’s Day may remind you of another true love, tempting you, seducing you.

“Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.”

Mark 14:38

Feeling it yet?

Ah, yes, Valentine’s Day! 

So, the majority of us out there have mixed/negative feelings about the notorious heart day, not to mention, our own recovery journeys. We’re possibly staring down and/or devouring some very personal heart shaped sweet stuff right now, while believing it will capture the “perfect” promised solution of happiness and fulfillment.

Or, perhaps, we’re crying about not possessing that longed for sweet stuff, spending every bit of thought, energy, time and money focused on acquiring it to fill that gigantic hole in our souls.

The soul: that’s not something which is mentioned a lot during Valentine’s Day, is it? If it’s spoken about at all, it’s usually in reference to the romantic “soul mate” kind of thing. But this word is a much more powerful force than simply a sales tool designed to sell us “hearts and flowers.” The soul has often been described as being made up of three components: the mind, the will and the emotions. And those suckers can really do some hard driving in our lives, can’t they? Think of every major, complicated issue going on in our lives. The mind, will and emotions are at work, aren’t they?

And concerning addiction and recovery issues? How many of us can relate?

“Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.”

Psalms 107:5

Our souls are wrapped up in our chosen addictions, obsessions and compulsions; therefore, our souls are subject to fainting and falling. 

But all hope is not lost, even if we’re lonely, even if we’re struggling, even if it appears our “sweet stuff” has got the upper hand. Valentine’s Day can serve as a reality check for all of us. Help can still be on the way.

That may include a phone call from an annoying, but much needed sponsor, who happens to reach us at the crucial point. That may mean an intervention from our family and friends. It may mean a recovery meeting, reminding us, once again, we’re not the only ones who struggle. It may be a Bible verse, appearing from nowhere. These are just a few possibilities of help. They are limitless. But the whole relevant point to whichever “way of escape” The Most High uses to get our attention, is that it will be exactly what we need, even if/when we don’t want it. We need it, all the same. Humbling, but oh, so true!

“You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.”

Psalm 139:2

That includes, for starters, our obsessive thoughts, our tortured thoughts, our hopeless thoughts, our powerless thoughts, our addict thoughts and our tempted thoughts. And that should be a comfort, not a terror to us. 

Whenever we are overwhelmed, tempted and assaulted by our addictions and vices, we need to remember the simple, childlike Truth: we are loved by an Ultimate Creator. It’s both a heart issue and a soul issue. 

“For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”

Psalms 107:9

 Copyright © 2020 by Sheryle Cruse

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