Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Jairus' Daughter Applied to the Fridge

“Is not life more than food?” Matthew 6:25 Whenever we open the refrigerator door, it can feel like we’re opening a prison door, only to go in and remain forever trapped. Indeed, the meaning we give to food often plays a part in our disordered food, weight and body images. We believe food is love, comfort, happiness, celebration- or the enemy. These are just a few meanings out there- and they all can imprison our minds, bodies and lives. But what is food? It’s the thing which keeps our bodies alive- that’s it. God is to be our Source of love- and everything else we chase in life. He is all we need. Can we arise in the food issue area? Yes, we can! Apply the revelation of Jairus’ daughter to your own food issues. God is always at work; He’s always working in you to help you arise! It’s not hopeless; YOU’RE not hopeless!

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