Friday, May 24, 2013


(As Answered by Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D. Certified Eating Disorder Professional, Founder and Director, The Center for Counseling and Health Resources, Inc.) 1) What advice, spiritually, would you give someone, male or female, currently afflicted with eating disorders, food, weight and body issues? There’s always hope! Psalm 5:12:” The Lord is faithful to all of His Promises and loving towards all He made. 2) What advice, physically, would you give to someone, male or female, currently afflicted with eating disorders, food, weight and body issues? The physical body needs time to heal. Metabolism and digestive issues- work with an eating disorder expert who understands it’s more than your weight. 3) What advice, emotionally/mentally, would you give someone, male or female, currently afflicted with eating disorders, food, weight and body issues? 1) Renew the mind with God’s Truth. It does work- Truth can and will win! 2) Resolve past pain and issues; release forgiveness. 4) What has/have been a scripture(s) that has/have helped you through, giving you hope and peace? Jeremiah 29:11 Jeremiah 7:23 Psalm 145:13 Psalm 5:12 5) What advice can you give someone, male or female, afflicted with eating disorders when it concerns food? It’s not about food. Food is your symptom. It’s your “coping tool.” Food can be nourishment, not the “drug.” Eat healthy=healing step 6) What advice can you give someone, male or female, afflicted with eating disorders when it concerns food holidays (i.e. Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)? See attachment from our RD. 7) What advice can you give someone, male or female, afflicted with eating disorders when it concerns stress? Have a stress plan proactive (where you have an action plan where food is not on the list). 8) What advice can you give someone, male or female, afflicted with eating disorders when it concerns image/swimsuit (summer) season? You can rebuild a healthy body and image. (There’s a special group we do here that really helps with this). 9) What advice can you give someone, male or female, afflicted with eating disorders when it concerns exercise? Have an accountability plan. Balance= Health 10) What advice can you give someone, male or female, afflicted with eating disorders when it concerns family/relationships? Stop blaming. Forgive. Choose to live as you. They cannot give you happiness or take it away. 11) What advice, physically, would you give to males currently afflicted with eating disorders, food, weight and body issues? It’s not just a female issue. Separate male treatment is a must. 12) What do you have to say specifically to males who are currently afflicted with eating disorders, food, weight and body issues? They are not alone. Ten percent are males. It’s not a female issue. 13) What advice can you give someone afflicted with eating disorders when it concerns therapy? Whole person= Long term healing. Find your champion team! 14) Any other comments, advice? There’s hope. Never give up. You will never regret making the journey.

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