Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ZuZu's Petals: "Paste it”

“Love is patient…kind”
1 Corinthians 13:12

Yes, I’m back at the film classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie.

In spite of all of the aggravation and worry, the George Bailey character still cannot deny his love and concern for his children. In this case here, it’s Zu Zu, who’s come down with a fever. She received a flower from school, was so excited that she didn’t want to button her coat on her way home, for fear that she’d crush it. In fact, it’s that very flower that’s keeping her excited and awake. All she wants to do is look at it. But George knows that she needs her rest.

In this scene, we see the tenderness expressed between father and daughter. We see how George “negotiates” with Zu Zu about her flower, even going so far as to “paste it,” at her request, and hide the petals in his pocket when some of the them fall off. In spite of every stress going on, George is still patient and kind with Zu Zu (1 Corinthians ).

There’s something else to take away from this scene as well. Aside from the general concepts of love and patience, each of us needs to recognize how God as a loving Father, looks after each one of us, knowing our needs and seeing to our them; He knows what’s best for us (Psalms 23:2), for, in every way, He is our Shepherd (Psalms 23:1-6).He can paste our lives back together when they’ve seemingly fallen apart.

Again, wherever you may find yourself, especially this holiday season, trust God, as the child of His that you are, with your life and issues!  When it comes to love, know that without a doubt, He loves, is patient and kind with you, no matter what!

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