Sunday, January 9, 2011

Beginning, Defeat Or God's Help?

 So, it’s a week into January.
How’s it going with resolutions, promises, decisions to be a “better you?”
Yeah, thought so.
Most of us probably have already faltered in our resolutions to be “better. “We’ve already blown it. So, now where do we go from here?
How about if we start by not flogging ourselves, punishing ourselves for a perceived failure? Failure is a part of change- and change is hard! We can have the best of intentions, sincerity and reasons for doing something. But the change is about establishing a new habit and attitude. That requires work, time and persistence. None of these things, in the process, feels good.
You and I know of all of the cliché resolutions and promises we make to ourselves. And God knows our limitations- and is not surprised or intimidated by them.
“He certainly knows what we are made of. He bears in mind that we are dust.”
Psalms 103:14
He knew that we’d be where we are right now, post New Year’s resolution/failure. But He’s already decided to establish us with a positive outcome, through Him:
 “I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.”
Proverbs 8:23
In the process of berating ourselves for our natural imperfect failures, do we stop to consider that we, right now, are blessed, loved, favored and helped by Him, in spite of current circumstances?
Wherever you are: in resolution, failure, addiction, disorder, imperfect life issue, recognize that it is far from over for you. You are not destined for defeat; you are destined for Victory! You haven’t forfeited a chance at a new beginning in your life.
Try again, but this time, make sure to try again, fully aware of God loving, guiding and helping you. You have help and hope. They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, but expecting a different result. Don’t repeat the same response in reaction to you failure. Go to God asking for His difference in your circumstances: wisdom, help, guidance and resources.
Just because we fail doesn’t mean we’re eternally defeated. Remember, we each have Someone who IS for us!
“What can we say about all of this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31

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