Monday, February 24, 2014

Man Looks On Outward Appearance

In Western culture, it’s one of the greatest challenges to possess a healthy self-image, let alone, a healthy attitude toward food and weight issues. Practically everything we’re presented with, image-wise, is manipulated, altered or photo-shopped to some perceived perfect standard.  However, when it’s presented to us, often there is no mention of the factor that there was massive airbrushing, strategic posed angles, light and camera tricks galore. No, the subtle message, more often than not, tends to be, “this is reality.” But it’s not.
·         Nemeroff, Stein, Diehl, and Smolak  suggest that males may be receiving increasing media messages regarding dieting, and ideal of muscularity, and plastic surgery options (such a pectoral and calf implants).
·         DiDomenico and Andersen found that magazines targeted primarily to women included a greater number of articles and advertisements aimed at weight reduction (e.g., diet, calories) and those targeted at men contained more shape articles and advertisements (e.g., fitness, weight lifting, body building, or muscle toning). The magazines most read by females ages 18-24 had 10 times more diet content than those most popular among men in the same age group.

We’re image obsessed. We fret over the outward appearance, often choosing to sacrifice the unseen, like our souls: our mind, our will and our emotions. But God sees and values us, in our entirety.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”
1 Samuel 16:7

The inner workings don’t disqualify us from His Love and Esteem, even if they don’t fit some temporary image trend. You are more than your body; you are more than the sum total of your features. And God’s not intimidated by the more vulnerable inner reality, even if/when you try to project an image of masculinity, strength and invincibility. Challenge what is being presented to you. Is it a sales pitch, disguised as an unrealistic Charles Atlas standard?

Where is your focus- on the outward presentation or on the inner reality? It’s not hopeless. Just realize, whether it’s image manipulation, your uniqueness or God Himself, there’s more going on than meets the eye. There is the heart of the matter.

Copyright © 2014 by Sheryle Cruse
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