Sunday, August 29, 2010

Telling the Ugly Truth= Freedom?

Let me just brag about my wonderful husband. I mention him in my book and every single time I speak on my recovery. I do this because I am so thankful for the rare, endangered species he represents: the unconditionally loving man.

But the fact, mentioned in the book, is this: I was fearful of telling him about my eating disorders and kept it a “secret” until after we were married. He gave me no reason to do this. I just assumed that this ugly truth would drive him away if he knew “the real me.” I felt that the eating disorder stuff was a deal breaker. No guy wants this, right?

Well, I learned I was wrong for withholding the truth from him. Read the book to get the details. But he, by his behavior and actions, showed me the living scripture: “the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.”

John 15:12

How often, in how many relationships, have we underestimated a loving response and exaggerated a worst case scenario? It’s not the end of the world if we tell another person about our eating disorders, addictions and struggles. Often, it opens the door, instead, to freedom. Can you and I dare, just a little bit, to tell the truth and get a little bit freer? We all need to take this dare, day in, day out. Let’s let the truth set us free!

1 comment:

  1. I needed this. The last paragraph in particular. I always tend to close off when I start struggling and it is a real battle just to even admit to myself how things are, much less confess this to anyone else around me. So, thanks for the encouragement =)
