Friday, September 3, 2010

Unexpected Tending To Do

Yeah, I’m a cat lady; I love my two cats, Grace and Glory with a Mama’s passion. I am inspired and learning from them, day by day, as life rolls along.

Recently, our cats got their updated vaccinations. Gracie’s always had a more sensitive reaction to them. Last year, as a kitten, she had such a reaction that we found ourselves at the ER, late in the night. So, this time around, we tried to be more prepared, telling our new vet about her sensitivity and getting a preventive shot to counteract her regular vaccination reaction.

Well, just like they warned us, in spite of that preventative shot, Gracie still vomited within two hours of getting home. So, back to the vet, to get a steroid shot. From there, we were supposed to administer children’s liquid Benadryl to help her further.

Poor Gracie! She was not a happy kitty here. We followed instructions and our delicate little flower made it through okay.

But things got weird, as this week rolled on. The Benadryl stuff was sticky in her fur, which, I guess, matted, made her scratch, get uncomfortable and fuss with it. I started to notice that clumps of fur were falling out under her chin- and she had a small scratch as well. We’re taking her in tomorrow, just to be sure, applying Neosporin, in the meantime.

Why am I mentioning the kitty trials and tribulations? Because, it’s yet another example of the tending process in life. Life is about tending to things; so is recovery. Life and recovery are both unexpected, from time to time, having us tend to certain issues with more care sometimes. It’s about adjustment, not a one-time perfect achievement.

Believe me, I’d love to be perfect, have recovery, have Grace, Glory, and life, in general be perfect, never needing any further tweaking, care, monitoring or adjustment. It ain’t happening. No, life is process, involving changes in our responses to situations. And, our responses won’t be “perfect” either. We do our best and go on from there.

And, as ridiculous as it sounds to blame Gracie, berate her for vomiting, losing her fur, getting a scratch under her chin, it’s just as ridiculous for each of us to blame, berate and beat ourselves up when we need a little extra help. We all need help; no one has it perfectly together, completely immune from some TLC. So, we need to adjust, not freak out. God’s our helper. If God created, knows about and cares about a grey cat named Gracie, just imagine how He views us. As the scripture says:

“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!”

Luke 12:24

So, we’ll tend to our Gracie and we’ll tend to life, as it bumps along. We need to be kind to ourselves, no matter what we’re facing. There are some times in life that need more adjustment than other times. That doesn’t make us failures. It makes us stewards of our lives. Do the best you can, as imperfect as that may be. And most importantly, we are children of God. God helps each of His kids, giving His Love, His Grace and His Mercy to us. He is tending to us.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Psalms 46:1

Therefore, we can tend to our lives and know that we’ll be okay.

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